The tale of "The Little Cloud's Adventure"

The Little Cloud’s Adventure

Escucha "The Little Cloud's Adventure"


The Little Cloud's Adventure

Once upon a time, in a sky full of fluffy clouds, there was a little cloud named Puffy. Puffy was small and very curious. He loved to float around and see the world below. One day, Puffy decided he wanted to go on an adventure and see something new.

As Puffy drifted over mountains, forests, and rivers, he met many friendly animals. He saw a family of deer playing in a meadow, birds singing in the trees, and a bear cub fishing in a stream. Puffy felt happy to see all the animals enjoying their day.

But Puffy wanted to do something special. He decided to visit the big ocean. As he floated above the waves, he saw dolphins jumping and whales swimming gracefully. Puffy thought it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

Suddenly, Puffy felt a little heavy. He realized he had collected a lot of water droplets. "Oh no," thought Puffy, "I'm going to rain!" But then, Puffy had an idea. He could water the flowers and trees on the land below.

So, Puffy drifted towards a dry and thirsty field. As he let the rain fall gently, the flowers and trees perked up. The grass turned green, and the animals came out to play. Puffy was very proud of his good deed.

After his adventure, Puffy was tired. He floated back to his home in the sky and found a cozy spot to rest. As the stars twinkled above, Puffy drifted off to sleep, happy and content.

And from that day on, Puffy knew that even a little cloud could make a big difference.

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The tale of "The Little Cloud's Adventure"

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